We are calling in like-minded wisdom carriers and wisdom keepers from all directions and all traditions to co-create with Birthing an Ancient Future 2.0, a Transformational Wisdom Field Visionary Inquiry Psychedelic-Assisted Group Retreat in alignment with the Fall Equinox Celebration (in the Southern Hemisphere, the Spring Equinox) for the greater good. The aim is to bridge ancient wisdom traditions and modern psychedelic science by intertwining transgenerational, transcultural, indigenous, spiritual, deep ecology, and creative-intimate perspectives.
Individuals are invited to join from interdisciplinary fields, collectively weaving a Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council – the Temple of the Peoples. We are in the birthing process of a new renaissance, including the psychedelic renaissance. The individual, collective, and planetary intention is Birthing an Ancient Future – Towards an Intimate Stewardship for a New Earth.