Birthing an Ancient Future 2.0 - Psilocybin-Assisted Fall Equinox Gathering
Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council – Temple of the Peoples
Sept 20– 22, 2023, Greater Amsterdam, NL
We are calling in like-minded wisdom carriers and wisdom keepers from all directions and all traditions to co-create with Birthing an Ancient Future 2. 0 - Psilocybin- Assisted Fall Equinox Gathering - a Transformational Wisdom Field Visionary Inquiry in celebration of the Fall Equinox (in the Southern Hemisphere, the Spring Equinox).
The intention is to bridge ancient wisdom traditions and modern psychedelic science. Individuals are invited to join from interdisciplinary fields constituting a Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council – the Temple of the Peoples. The individual, collective, and planetary intention is Birthing an Ancient Future – Towards an Intimate Stewardship for a New Earth.
With the Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council 2.0, we aim to interweave further transgenerational, transcultural, indigenous, spiritual, deep ecology, creative-intimate perspectives, and psychedelic science for the greater good. We are in the birthing process of a new renaissance, including the psychedelic renaissance.
Grandmother Spider is seen across cultures as the mother of the universe and weaveress of the creation of all life. She is the patron of this vision and peaceful activism, as depicted in the artwork and logo of Birthing an Ancient Future. Thank you to all visible and invisible forces of love and support, including our ancestors.
We invite you to join forces and co-create diverse future projects by intertwining global representations and local initiatives with peaceful, compassionate, courageous activism to birth a New Eleusis through Intimate Earth Stewardship. With this Gathering, we intend to evoke pathways of awakening the Sacredness inside and outside of us, where Nature, art, and psychedelic science, technology, and spirituality unite in the search for new evolutionary developments for humanity.
The temple is within us – in a symbolic sense, the inner temple represents the sacredness of our life and body. Such a view integrates a multidimensional approach to intimacy – in-to-me-see - and sexuality in its broadest sense - as human beings in harmony and integrity in the world as lovers and sexual erotic beings.