Birthing an Ancient Future - Temple of the Peoples
Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council
From and to all Directions – For all Relations
With this Open Access Event Synopsis Video, we provide as a gift to the greater good for educational purposes and social activism, highlights from our event Birthing an Ancient Future 2023 - Global Hybrid Symposium and Legal Psilocybin-Assisted Expert Ceremony, June 2-4, 2023, NL - the 5th Symposium of the EUROTAS Global Transpersonal Network.
Birthing an Ancient Future - A Psilocybin Ceremony of Life - A Film by Andrea Loetscher Feature Documentary by Andrea Lötscher, Germany, 2023, 50 min
Birthing an Ancient Future aims to co-create an intimate wisdom field for action by bridging ancient wisdom and modern science rooted in interconnectedness, assuming everything is interconnected. The focus is on establishing and developing the inner connection with the Self and from within, caring for and nourishing the interconnectedness with all. The intention is to come closer and move from the “I” of the modern world over-individuation to a bottom-up approach of a “We” of a new global Collective uploading information and insights to the Multiverse. A further emphasis is on the dance of an erotic being and knowing embedded in the communion with Nature and art - in its broadest sense. The intention is to synthesize multidisciplinary perspectives, including but not limited to transgenerational, transcultural, spiritual, deep ecology, collective-community-based, creative-intimate approaches, art, dance, performance, and music, with modern psychedelic science and psychedelic-assisted therapy and indigenous psychedelic wisdom traditions – from and to all directions – for all relations.
Humanity collectively and globally is called forth to braid a new way of collective conscious living in peace and harmony, collaboration, happiness, joy, and beauty with all and Nature in reciprocity⎯as Earth Stewardship. Such a stance promotes an inclusive worldview and integrates the role and impact of plant medicines, modern psychedelics, and empathogens, along with addressing shadows, risks, illusions, and delusions. We are in the birthing process of a new renaissance, including the psychedelic renaissance. The Birthing an Ancient Future - Temple of the Peoples – Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council invites us to join forces and to co-create diverse future projects by intertwining global representations and local initiatives with peaceful, compassionate, courageous activism to birth a New Eleusis through Earth Stewardship.
The temple is within us – in a symbolic sense, the inner temple represents the sacredness of our life and body. Such a view integrates a multidimensional approach to intimacy – in-to-me-see - and sexuality in its broadest sense - as human beings in harmony and integrity in the world as lovers and sexual erotic beings.
- Regina U. Hess, PhD
The outer temple can mirror and help us remember ancient knowledge and weave it into our present experiences and future evolution. Similarly, the impact of psychedelics can be described as reflecting our inner and outer cosmos, which can help us remember and integrate life’s mysteries, including mirroring and transforming shadow aspects and bypassing within. Through the Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council – Temple of the Peoples, we intend to evoke pathways of awakening the Sacredness inside and outside of us, where Nature, art, and science, including psychedelic science, technology, and spirituality, are united in the search for new evolutionary developments for humanity. Albert Hoffmann coined such a vision Modern Eleusis, metaphorically drawing on the Antik Greek Eleusinian Mystery Initiation Rituals, assuming psychedelic experiences encountered in a safe setting can help our consciousness open up to the transcendent experience of connection and being one with Nature.
As an artistic invocation serves the purposefully composed artwork and logo transmitting metaphorical meanings that expand from the rational to the non-linear dimensions. We open the veil to see the bigger picture of our cosmic interconnectedness embedded in the cycles of Nature, the sun, the moon, and the stars. The message in the artwork is that we do not need to search outside we find it in us
Further core symbols include the grandmother spider interweaving Mother Earth with the Temple of the Peoples – depicted as a sacred circle of hands. The psilocybin-containing mushrooms and their roots (truffles) represent one example of the ancient and modern application of mind-altering substances in specific settings in various cultures and times.
In Native Indian traditions, the grandmother spider symbolically represents weaving the web of life and caring for humans as the children of the Earth.
The web, as a matrix, represents vibrational waves that inform every existence on earth. In Mexican tradition, the grandmother spider is the symbol of collective memory. All weaved patterns are expressions of feminine essence that give beauty to the world. It represents one of the eight senses humans must develop and take care of to re-create inner and outer harmony.
Since the dawn of civilization, humans have created sacred gathering places-spaces such as altars and temples for worshiping through prayers, offerings, rituals, and ceremonies, including psychedelics - the omnipotent force or forces in relation to the movement of the sun, moon, stars, and elements, and the cycles of Nature, with which the practitioner was to seek harmony. They also represent the regenerative force of cyclical creation, undergoing continual death and renewal.