Sneak Peak Unveiled
Psychedelic-Assisted Group Retreat of Birthing an Ancient Future:
Spring Celebration – Ceremony of Life, March 7– 10, 2024, Portugal
Embark on a transformative journey with Birthing an Ancient Future, where we blend ancient traditions, including the wisdom of the medicine wheel, with the cutting-edge insights of modern (psychedelic) science.
The medicine wheel is one of our guiding pillars to synchronize human nature with Nature within the wheel of all life. The wheel represents a sacred circle holding the dance of divine feminine and masculine polarities in a sacred union of oneness and wholeness – like a YinYang – each is in the other. It symbolizes the delicate balance and constant motion of life.
Our Psychedelic-Assisted Core Group Retreat Spring Celebration – Ceremony of Life is a deep exploration of the intimate innate interconnectedness of life and the mysteries of our existence. The focus is on a heart-centered approach, where we intertwine being and knowing into the wisdom of the heart. In the medicine wheel, the spring is located in the direction of the East, represented by the fire element. The sparks of the fire symbolize the masculine active energy, new seeds that intertwine with the receptive female energy, in the sacred laws of creation.
Rising in Deep Intimacy with all of our relations, we honour our ancestors and nurture future generations in a transgenerational dance of love as we become Stewards of a New Earth on the path of conscious living for the greater good.
Psylocybin-Assisted Group Retreat
At the core of the gathering is a Legal Psilocybin Assisted Truffle Ceremony. The Ceremony will be accompanied by traditional medicine music and modern soundscapes of live musicians, art, movement, and Nature rituals.
We stay together for 4 days/3- nights in the Retreat Center, which gives us possibilities for dreaming together further during sleep, as used in the dream incubation in the Temples of Delphi, and in group work processes during daytime and in the Ceremonies.
The Morning After Integration Process focuses on sharing and weaving individual experiences with collective insights into new understandings – towards a New Eleusis of human life in Intimate Earth Stewardship.
The Organizing Team will moderate, contain, and safeguard the whole process of this gathering, including the event lead/organizer Dr. Regina U. Hess, with experienced guides and space holders who assist and support the journeying participants. The dosages will be in the moderate range. The organizing team provides professional contacts for the aftermath if further integration is needed.
Ceremony of Life on Women’s Day
In Birthing an Ancient Future, we weave ancient wisdom traditions and modern (psychedelic) science together. One core pillar we draw on is the shamanic foundation of the medicine wheel. The medicine wheel provides a map of wholeness and can support human development towards harmony and balance with all life and all relations from and to all directions. The basic structure is the sacred circle with a center, the strongest form to stabilise, protect, and give orientation. The center is the most stable point of the circle. At the same time, it is also assumed to be the most vulnerable point, seen as the most feminine part, like a yoni.
The outer circle is considered the most masculine form, giving structure and protection. The integration of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies and expressions happens in between the outer and the inner circle in a dance of knowing and being. It is a dynamic, sacred union of constant motion of energy. The circle represents the Yin-Yang symbol of the integration of femininity and masculinity and each in the other.