Transgenerational Interconnected Healing and Empowerment

Is a core pillar of the approach of the Birthing an Ancient Future - Psychedelic-Assisted Group Retreats and Personalized Retreats in the Netherlands and Portugal.

In the intricate web of human experience, transgenerational trauma discloses the echoes of past suffering that resonate through generations, shaping the lives of descendants.

In this context, "transgenerational" means dealing with issues, traumas, or patterns that may have been passed down through generations. However, this may not be limited to biological family ties. It recognizes that cultural, societal, or collective influences can also play a significant role in shaping an individual's experiences and well-being across seven generations, both forward and backward.

We look at transforming woundings and blockages as well as empowering specific gifts and talents that are passed on to bring each unique potential into a multidimensional expression of life.

We traverse the branches of the Tree of Life, weaving through realms both seen and unseen. From the celestial realms of ancestors to the earthly domain of humanity, and into the depths of the unconscious, we explore the interconnectedness of all existence.

Together, we unravel the cords of our shared human experience, developing a path towards healing, understanding, and birthing a New Eleusis through Earth Stewardship.

Dr. Regina U. Hess, Visionary Founder/Director

Regina U. Hess, Ph.D. (Netherlands/Portugal), is a clinical psychologist from Germany and holds a joint Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology (USA/UK). Regina is the visionary founder/director of Birthing an Ancient Future - Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council, bridging ancient wisdom traditions and modern psychedelic science, a globalinitiative offering events, retreats, and different educational programs ‘Stewards of a New Earth.’ Regina is a faculty at international universities such as the Alef Trust, UK, and transpersonal educational institutes and is an independent researcher. Dr. Regina U. Hess is on the Board of Directors of the EUROTAS Global Transpersonal Network and the International Transpersonal Association.




The Transformative Power of Sacred Labyrinth Walks